
onderstaande lijst bevat enkele voorbeelden hoe je video's toevoegt van op verscheidene websites.

voorbeeld: toevoegen

code: {youtube}-dJc5pmMMuI{/youtube}

 {youtube}-dJc5pmMMuI{/youtube } spatie na '{/youtube' weglaten.

College Humor {collegehumor}ID{/collegehumor } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is 1714080.
DailyMotion {dmotion}ID{/dmotion } If the link in your browser displays, then the ID to use is x52yga.
Google Video {google}ID{/google } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is -3406925506469882756, that means the characters that come after "docid=". Please note that in some cases, the minus sign before the last sequence of digits might be missing. If existent, it is part of the ID.
Google Video (local) {google.TLD}ID{/google.TLD } For local Google Video sites, use the same scheme like with google, but append the TLD with a dot inside the tag. Currently supported TLDs are: co.ukcom.audeesfritnl and pl.
Megavideo* {mega}ID{/mega } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is 8ZF0N6XY.
Metacafe {metacafe}ID{/metacafe } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is 143709/i_get_knocked_down, that is without the last slash.
Tudou {tudou}ID{/tudou } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is T7tcywVL8P0.
Vimeo {vimeo}ID{/vimeo } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is 78198.
Yahoo Video* {yahoo}ID{/yahoo } If the link on your browser displays then your ID is 1739899, that means, everything that is between the last dot and the following & on the link!
YouTube {youtube}ID{/youtube } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is cdXTDovB9K8, the number after the equals sign. This variant uses YouTube's own player.
YouTube {youtubejw}ID{/youtubejw } If the link on your browser displays then the ID to use is cdXTDovB9K8, the number after the equals sign. This variant uses the new JW Media Player.